Viktorija Denisovaitė

Oral hygienist and dental assistant,

Licence No. BPL-07119, BPL-06193

With professional oral hygiene, she ensures complete patient comfort, satisfying results and helpful advice on home dental care by recommending tools.

Viktorija Denisovaitė

The specialists of the dental clinic “Pilėnė”, who strive to achieve the best results in their treatment, are constantly improving their skills by participating in various theoretical and practical courses and scientific conferences – find out more.


2017 m.
Graduated from the Faculty of Health Sciences of Klaipėda State College and qualified as an oral hygienist.
2014 m.
graduated from the Faculty of Health Sciences of Klaipėda State College and qualified as a dental assistant.

Courses attended

2022 m.
„Pirmoji medicinos pagalba“, lekt. Oskaras Medzevičius, Klaipėda.
2021 m.
„Aktualijos odontologijoje“.
2020 m.
„Odontologijos klasika ir perspektyvos“.
2020 m.
„Veiklos aktualijos odontologijoje“.
2020 m.
„Aktualūs klausimai odontologijoje“.
2017 m.
„Pradinis radiacinės saugos kursas“, 14 val., Klaipėda.
2013 m.
„Educational course in the Swedish way of preventive oral hygiene care“, dental hygienist Maria Odeen, Klaipėda.
2011 m.
„Educational course in the Swedish way of preventive oral hygiene care“, dental hygienist Maria Odeen, Klaipėda.


Member of the Lithuanian Chamber of Dentists (since 2014).

A clinic to return to

Have you experienced dental problems? Book an appointment now and we’ll give you all the help you need.

“A smile can say a lot about a person, so it’s important to care not only about its aesthetics, but also its functionality.”
Živilė Neverauskienė / Orthodontist

Useful information

To save each other time, keep up-to-date with the latest information – on funded services, instalments, health insurance, etc.

01 / Funded services TLK
02 / Health insurance
03 / Frequently asked questions
04 / Post-procedure information

For those covered by compulsory health insurance, we offer the opportunity to pay for dentures using state funding.

How does it all work?

  • When you arrive at the clinic, we will assess whether you are eligible for reimbursement from the TLK.
  • We will prepare all the necessary documents.
  • Once reimbursed, treatment will start immediately.
  • Avoid waiting in queues.

You can pay for the dental services you receive at our clinic using your health insurance – read more.

What is important to know?

  • Please bring your ID and insurance card (booklet) with you to the clinic.
  • You will receive an invoice when your treatment is completed.
  • All or part of the amount will be covered when the invoice is submitted to the insurance company.

Patients often have all sorts of questions in preparation for various dental procedures – to save each other time, we’ve prepared answers to them.

Frequently asked questions (F. A. Q.)

  • Answers about dental procedures.
  • Payment for services.
  • Anaesthetic options.
  • General information about the clinic.

Post-procedure information

  • The period after surgical procedures.
  • Post-procedure oral care.
  • Dietary recommendations.
  • Doctors’ advice.