Teeth restoration with onlays is a perfect option for those wanting a highly esthetic, durable, long-lasting and precise tooth restoration. Therefore, when more than half of the tooth crown is damaged and when proximal surfaces are included into the defect, we recommend restoring tooth with porcelain (ceramic) onlay.
Compared to composite fillings, porcelain is more durable (strength similar to tooth enamel’s), excellently withstands chewing load and makes tooth walls less prone to fracture. The onlay is a maximally conservative restoration - no tooth preparation is needed, healthy tooth tissues are saved. A dental onlay may cover the whole tooth or only a part of it.
The advantages of such treatment are: onlay longevity of up to 30 years, tooth reinforcement by up to 75 percent. Dental onlays prolong the life of the tooth, meaning fewer dental appointments and lesser treatment extent in the future.
Molars experience heavy occlusal loads during chewing. Good ceramic onlay not only restores the tooth but also increases its strength. Ceramic onlays are made by dental technicians who reproduce tooth’s anatomy and shape with extreme precision. Qualitatively produced ceramic onlay is invisible even to the experienced eye of the professional.
For those who seek the most perfect esthetics, we recommend dental onlays. Modern technology allows us to produce top quality, reliable, resistant and natural looking dental onlays. Modern people want to have not only healthy, but also beautiful teeth.
Smile is one’s business card. Cosmetic dentistry offers all possibilities to improve it. We individually evaluate every smile and find the most appropriate solution. If more than half of the tooth is lost, dental onlay may be the best option. We offer this service at a good price. Do not forget: improvement of your smile not only will improve your looks, but will also make you feel great.